Thanks :]
It was fun play testing this map. I like the feel and gameplay that happened during slayer games and everything was balanced out enough that not...
[IMG] Pheonix : "Dom did you bring the ammo? Dom :"Uhhhhhhhhhh" Pheonix :"****!"
I pickj now the hammerburst I realized the damage is greater since it has no chainsaw on it . Its a downing machine :]
Geras is my baby :] Gore and carnage is the way I game.
We should all do what Good old Texas did and add a exspress lane onto death row if the crime is bad enough and as for juveniles being tried as...
Look my avatar my profile pic and my sig show my hopes for this game :]
I see my self as and Electritian playing some future gaming system and the latest games. Possible family and or wife. :]
Have people report it as "offensive"
put the N word in your name and have people report you :]
I laughed really hard after you said this;]. I love prejudices online it makes it more tense when you get in battle I think at least for me I play...
Gears of War 2-- [if slow loads effect game play] Halo 3-- [if I continue playing it like crazy:)] Mass Effect --...
Is said official MLG maps or theones used in the MLG circut "onslaught" ect..... IMO are sad exscuses for maps especaily compared to other maps...
When I said majority of gamers I mean a majority of Halo 3 or online users are casual gamers. FH does have a large competetive community but the...
I read the contest I just think its a waste of time considering we already have competative/MLG maps pumping out every minute we dont need a...
Its not. Its a good game and all but its community is small and I'm not a giant fan of its gameplay.
Yet neither Bungie nor Xbox live can enforce the Modded content rule. Modded content in Halo 3 is like Modded content in Halo PC its making the...
Your not the boss I know the boss ......its not you . Content is content and Im still trying to get forgehubleaders to allow gametype mods like...
There isnt anymore he only forged items into this one room. I'll say it needs more work and that it could be more complicated and or neater.