I espected more. But something new on a old map is welcome. I''ll test it and get back to you but it doesnt have much to it if you ask me :/
Beat me to it :/ I sugest using more items at least and make a better custom gametype for it.
Just looks like duck hunt with a new name and less thought out layout. :/ I would think of trying a arena map or something allong with learning...
Huntings fine. Now what you hunt is really the issue I prefere hunting the overpoulated "Noob" but hunting rare species like "Game producers"...
I bought the recipe :] and itss all mine!
I think they should not have made us wait this long and wait till Halo Wars to get the new maps. We had to wait so long !
Gamefuel duh.....
LOL I agree completly but try to be alittler nicer to newer members. hahaha. I sujest making a different style of map completely house maps are...
What am I training for? walking lololololol. You should give more insight of what kind of training ground it is.
I like the tournoment styled game I have only seen a few maps which use spawning objects to help players progress after defeating their opponents....
I dissagree modding is good as long as its not used in matchmaking. Map / gametype mods are fine in my book. Modds were great in games such as...
I have seen this map before , If I find that this is a stolen map this thread will be reported and closed accordinling. Please dont steal maps...
The recent features [including my map] are playable if you play any of them with your pary you probably will have some level of fun you of course...
I like that you keep it up to date :] nice work im surprised we have around 90 people with featured maps lol.
:D very true lol
[IMG] Does this meet the requirements?
Nah I kno what you mean but most people think Im joking when I say Im going to forge a Bunny Foo Foo map I got the same response when I said" hey...
Im serious lol even ask Insane and some people if they ever played my Bunny Foo Foo map and mini game lol it has a hide n seek game play.
Thanks and hint hint Bunny Foo Foo is the theme of my hidden map that I think is next . Ive run it by many people and its gotten a better response...
Thanks :]