Hey, you may not realize it, but me too. Being in a party full of people youve known for a while changes things though, so ive learned not to put...
You should put an epsilon (ε) in place of the second 'e' in my name, cus it would **** with people like, "Reflεx lon" Nobody would be able to...
Of course! :P
Can you do that? Can you explode twice!? I ****ing love how that one ends. Best thing ever.
EDIT: lolfail, got ninja'd
so pink
This is what proved to me that I am terrible at puzzle mini-games in reach.
Hehe, I know why hes laughing... Its funny enough that I did the gay laugh!
the problem I have with theists is that they all seem to be so determined to prove that there is a god. yeah, not really. But, yeah, I...
Maybe... NOW You will respond to random messages I send out of confusion?
Guy flipping a table. Oh, and im furious.
Gonna be AT iowa state for the game today. I think its the most important of the for us so far. Our first real test since we entered conference...
its just less impressive the third time...
(he has a gun)
twas tz, not me quit barking up the wrong tree
Through the broken combo of 115 saprolings and that guy that lets me sack them to give them 1/1, along with a bunch of other brokeness, i ended...
laughing my ass off
lmao! I totally read it on my phone, posted the first response, then opened up a sea of people who read mine and ran with it. I totally apologize...
The school wants to avoid court at all costs. So, by doing something about what she wants, they either delay an inevitable court-case or avoid one...