If 20% counts as maker's credit I guess. But if only one person can get credit, Felipe's the one that deserves it. He made the damn thing! I just...
Speaking of lobbying, may I lobby you to my side so that you may check out this, my newest map? The Ire of Fire Though I really didn't make all...
Now shut up and mindlessly dance the Soulja Boy. xD
You raise a very valid point. I think we need to rename our language "Gangsta" because that's honestly what it is. Beyotch?
Now, practice safe lunch. Always use a condiment.
And where's my thank you for putting you in the green?
Yep. The man speaks the truth. Things that look "sloppy" really aren't; what might look to you like a poor interlock is actually a very smooth...
Dang Felipe! The positive comments are rolling right in! This map totally deserves them. I love how people are calling it "sloppy," when they...
I reported a post in Competitive Maps, called Zenithide or something like that. This guy's bumping unfairly by deleting and reposting his posts....
We realize that you keep deleting your post and reposting to bump it up. I hope you also realize that moderators and admins can see your deleted...
Indeed they do. As they do me. Perfect fit.
I’m glad we finally got this done, Felipe. Thanks for making this thing playable, and giving it all it deserves. You are an extremely talented...
Why don't you have the Enzyte guy as your profile pic?
Probably the people that defeated them in war, I would say.
No U has U's!!!!! Now when is Pulse gonna be done? xD
It is a mod. I think it's called "Planet Mod" or something. I have it, and the only thing worthwhile that came of it was the fact that the modders...