Yep! Just place the link to the image between those tags, and it will display.
It really doesn't matter, as ForgeHub scales images down automatically. 700x500 is a good size if you really want a specific size. I just leave...
This is your best screenshot yet. You're amazing with anything artistic, and I hope you continue your trend of awesomeness.
I taught him how to do so. He's doing it right now, be patient guys. ;) Besides, this screenshot is awesome and totally worth the wait.
I shall explain. All you have to do is go to your picture on, and open up the Screenshot Viewer. Then, click on the picture, and a...
Pallets would require a support, however, like a teleporter node. Since a receiver would block the majority of the window from being able to be...
Highlight the word you want to become the link with your mouse cursor, and then click the chain-earth logo. It'll pop up with a small box, in...
Number two gets my vote. Number one focuses primarily on a Spartan, with the monitor in the background. Though #1 is a cooler looking piece of...
This map is EXTREMELY well-forged. You've paid great attention to every aesthetic detail, and it shows in the finished product. Absolutely...
I can say with absolute certainty that Purple Reign is NOT Midship, or a Midship remake. Bungie stated that there would be one-way glass on the...
You have no idea how fast that the last part of that went into my sig. :P I'm just glad to have helped with such an awesome map! If you ever need...
Dude, this is your bag right here: I think you could become a well known screen-shooter.
I always use a combination of corner walls to secure a wall or double wall. Since a corner wall will always sit perfectly straight on the floor,...
Yeah TrueDark had a ***** fit and got rid of it. :(
I know that people judge based on pics. I just didn't know that said people can't actually look at the pics they judge a map by. And yeah, I...
I'm actually working on, and have been working on, a map similar to this for quite some time now. The middle area of Rat's Nest is simply...
Lulz. I thought I had the last post. It's good to see you posting on ForgeHub, Tucker!
I can write an FOD-style hate essay about him if you'd like. :D
This map, for lack of a better way to explain it, basically ****s Curbstomp in the ass. By far your best map ever, absolutely everything is...
I got out of Blackout with a combination of box-teleporter and turret glitching. I think there's a Forging 101 about those techniques. And the...