Twilkey, you ARE the man. Thanks for being a total badass. Your work and skillz have not gone unnoticed.
Notice anything unbelievably sexy about the two of us? :^U
I haz four bars. My hypothetical rep ***** is bigger than yours, evan.
Yes I can has. Happy face! Now, if only the cheezburger could has catz...
I know! Thanks! Now I can has access to secret forum! Hooray!
What can I say? I liekz maroon!
Haha thanks Insane. You rule!
I got all of the names from a thread on HighImpactHalo that has since been deleted or just locked. Sorry that I can't find it. Anyway, the gist...
I sees it! Weird... they must be in the process of updating it then. xD
Thanks everyone! But I'm not the one responsible for the amazing map geometry. That's Felipe's stuff, which is amazing. He made the map (geometry,...
Why are you thanking me? You're the one that made Ire as awesome as it ended up being, and I can only be grateful that you included me, gave me...
Thanks guys. I love you all.
There are six maps they've yet to release, and you can quote me on these names, because they're right. Unless a switch happens as did with...
Great find, Draw. How's progress on that last map of yours? The "slate" one.
[IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG] These are the smileys I grew up with... and I'm going to use them again.
And feel free to log into the HNRP youtube account whenever. You can change the channel page's colors and settings around a bit if you'd like. It...
I think it's time you start making another awesome in-game film. Maybe something like that "free recon" one you talked about a while ago.
It's on Youtube now!
Confirmed. Now all I have to do is download a schmancy program to take it from GameVee and put it on Youtube. Thanks!