yeh i dont have those either. sorry
will moobs do?
Yeh i actually did the same not too long ago. Halo3sports right? did that ever go anywhere? Anyway, good to see you back, man.
There is one thats in progress for a couple weeks now. I started it, but I just don't have the time to finish it due to medical issues. Its a...
...wat? you've no idea what you're talking about, sorry mate. Colts have recovered from trailing in the 4th quarter 5 consecutive weeks in a row....
Thanks. The membrane was a very necessary inclusion. Without it, the wraiths were able to travel up the hill and shoot up into the base from below...
No, its definitely blown out of proportion. The fact that he's been on my FL for over a year, and that I play with him several times a month, and...
k. youre just trying to sway peoples opinions on someone based on one, largely irrelevant, extremely blown out of proportion attribute. its pretty...
really? cause now at least you wont keep spouting the same ol **** time and time again. I think it probly did the job very well. i never said you...
This just in, Jay Cutler threw another interception. ... This just in, Lovie Smith tried to challenge the call in the post game conference.
Rocket Race is the double xp weekend over Christmas
Fall apart at the end? Lets see, in 07 playoffs we held Tennessee to a measly two field goals in the wild card game, then went on the road to...
Ya know, 3 years ago I would have agreed with you that you have to be able to run the ball (and stop the run, for that matter) to win the...
no you won't. this thread is fine right where it is. Im not going to have the NFL thread ruined in OT
serious spam topic is seriously spam. you have 27 posts, and 22 of those are new topic creations. stop.
hence why i said its tacky thanks captain obvious ;)
Microsoft has made it publicly known that they are hoping to ban 1,000,000 accounts before Christmas. While the ban-happy attitude is comforting...
More video games, yes. More Halo, no.
im not saying that wouldnt be cool, cause it would be. But Bungie is done with Halo after Reach
Bungie is done with Halo after Reach