This is a very close mentality towards society as my own; though I do not see myself partaking in this skeleton myself, I do see this leading to a...
He blatantly told me one day in the IRC he didn't like me, for reasons that he did not know of at the time. What's this about dry sarcasm?
I remember when joke maps used to be funny. Well, it's safe to say you killed that memory.
Whenever is good for Iron, it really depends on him to be honest.
"THANK YOU" You're too kind. : )
LOL Zombie, OtherDark: Chill the **** out. Neither of you have any ****ing room to talk; you've been working on the same ****ing "helicopter" map...
I never related anything towards you, Nitrous, I was simply answering this (quoted) question with my opinion on the situation. No need to become...
Anyone who says that Lust is "bad" for you is incorrect. Anyone who says that Lust is "good" for you is incorrect. It's entirely based upon...
Is it just me or did you post that same thing three times? >__>
Yeah, but putting it in the featured thread? I don't care if you hate it, but don't compare the two like that! :,( Also; lolwut?
"Berkneck", eh? "By that Dom guy", eh?! Prick.
You dirty bastard. 'Grats Paulie, you've definitely improved this from the first version which I ranted and hated upon, as I'm sure you...
Domi Boy = better. Epiphone Dot.
[IMG] I took this picture for my TGIF Recap... Lovin' it. Thanks for the fantastic game, guys.
No time, eh?...
Why aren't you on Skype very often anymore?
wut o, u silee ting u
Woah. Chill, guys, chill. Anywho; schoolwork is more important than FH, but that doesn't mean the two can't co-exist. Schoolwork first and...
No! We love you!
Are you leaving?! :C