Lovely name you have there, Sir...
If you are, then I cut you for wool. Do I cut you for wool, Arahi? Do I?!
Well **** that ****, lives are for sheep. Are you a sheep, Arahi? Are you?!
Go back to LG BK. Lol. Welcome to FH, whadup Taco?
Nemi, you funny chienese bastard - where are you?! Think of the ruf, man. :'C
Heh... Linu for Admin '08, am I right?
Woah woah woah, big man on campus all of a sudden? 'Grats, man. : )
You reek of lettuce.
Another name change? Oh well. At least I recognized you, this time.
Wut. I don't know, I picked it a long time ago. Sorry.
hallo u git on skype while i feast plz
*Link to Epicenter* Yup.
I saw it at LG... but "Epicenter" is already a featured map here at ForgeHub. I didn't want to burst your bubble earlier. Lol.
Just saw your name on the active users list. Sharp eyes, I have.
Ah, hey there. Welcome to FH, great to see you here.
Shaddup, Ty.
I... don't know? D:
o u :D
Here you are. If you're too lazy to read this, then it simply comes down to practicing and repeating merging until you have a product that you...