If Helix getz featured what should I make next to try and get premium? ... Wait...
Well, as long as you're doing what you want; don't force yourself into something you don't appreciate, right? Hope things are going alright with...
Retired? Again? Make up your mind, ha ha.
Birthday. You. Make with the happy!
Heh, the layout reminded me of Unchained so much in this screen shot (the left side); Medicom: [IMG] Unchained: [IMG] It's alright, though -...
You are?
Baggy pants, Sir. I dunno, this is just the way I've drawn them for as long as I can remember, I thought I'd keep them. Huge ass shoes are called...
YOU! Get the **** in bed, man *****.
Ohai. Wtf title you might ask? As I've told a few peoples, I've been trying to start up a comic for some time now, and up until recently all I've...
Jerk. You're getting in the way of me stalking him. Oh well, you continue your serious conversation here if you like, I'll just go back to...
I have a twin sister with a couple hot friends. Trust me on this one: It's not as fantastically awesome as you're picturing it to be. You are not...
I JUS WAN LUB I actually pressed F5 like five times while I saw you making a social group. I want in you ass.
Lolwat. Is this battle of the animes? I'm too lazy to check.
Lol. This isn't necessary at all. Just be polite and mature; don't beg, or we'll shoot you.
Iggyhopper? Legal? I know that I recognize that "Soopr Cool Pursen" from somewhere over at LG... hm...
Skype you autistic air guitarist.
Ha ha, now that's sex with a porpoise! I disagree with the rest of your statements, though; intercourse with dead things leaves you at risk for...
1. Reproduction is a necessary process in continuing human life; and it's a beautiful thing when it's used to show love towards another being,...
Necrophilia: Do you think that the loved ones of the deceased would think highly of you doing... "things" with the corpse? Besides it being...