My gamertag, The Cheat902 was originally going to be just The Cheat, unfortunately, some moron who doesn't even play anymore took that and I had...
I didn't geomerge that fence wall because I wanted it to be used as a "shield" from grenade from the lower level. I've left everything the way it...
Don't complain about Foundry not being to your taste in style. Complaining about the colors and the theme is completely irrelevant to the map's...
Currently, I'm working on an asymmetrical mid-size map, reminiscent of Gridlocked and Reflex.
1. Reflex 2. The Citadel 3. Pallet Parade 4. Faction 5. Gridlocked 6. Paragon 7. Metro 8. Terminal 9. Jedwali 10. Kentucky Tango Competitive Maps...
I actually like it better, makes the picture look cleaner and bigger.
Indeed TSB. And Mutual, it wouldn't hurt to add what would classify each criteria. EX: Covenant themed maps would have lots of curves and odd...
Well, the two programs are relatively similar, although GIMP is free. I guess the border deal is really up to you isn't it?
I actually didn't recognize the border, it's a little to subtle. Assuming your using Photoshop, I would adjust the pixels from it's current...
Well, if you really need to see it, simply download the map and delete everything around it. If you want my opinion, it could be made slightly...
A question: do you draw the stock art in these sigs, because if so, your a fairly good artist. Also, not bad. I like the change in color compared...
Well, we're within the last 10 minutes of 2008 as I write this, and I thought it was appropriate to shed a little light on what I have been...
I'd be happy to come into the game, my Gamertag is The Cheat902, I'm on right now.
Well, first I would try deleting some items you really don't need to get your budget back. (i.e Weapons,any movable objects, or...
Please explain how exactly is it screwed up? Did you run of budget? or can you not spawn a certain object?
That my friend, is degrading every guy in the world, by saying their all the same. They all pay for sex, and if they can't get it, they take it....
Frag Man and Chris, I wasn't saying it's rating was a 1.5, I was saying it wasn't really a true sequel as far as gameplay mechanics and additions...
Livin' on the Edge, huh?
Warned again? Wow, I'd just play it cool dude, I don't think mods like you...