Thank you for reading my post above, not many people do and they say things that make them look ignorant. Anyway, the Gold Edition is coming...
Right...I'll get on that. Don't worry, it'll be done by tommorrow, as I don't plan on staying up until 3:00AM tonight. LOL! Unless, theres the...
It was actually posted before, but it wasn't until late last night that I had found out some issues with the spawns. Which is why I'm replacing it...
Editing is okay, image quality is terrible. Shadow is facing the wrong way... It could use some work.
Thank you, please take note, that I've recently found a problem with the spawns, I'm working to resolve this and update the post. However until I...
Crushed indeed, it keeps your drink cooler, and it makes it easier to drink than cubed.
Happy Birthday
yes it is
it was not, this one is on a much larger map...
lol I making a new map, it's 1337sauce
I joined your group on =)
I'm glad I actually got to see this map before most other people. It really is a good map in terms of the layout, let's just hope the weapon and...
I thank you for the complement on my name. As for the messy parts, I'm assuming your talking about the fence box at the defender's spawn and the...
then maybe it would be wise to include that in your original post, I was just curious as to why there are so many power weapons. Sarcasm and an...
That's great, but I count 6 power weapons on the map, and that's not even including the choppers and the copious amount of equipment...
A v2 is definitely need IMO, personally, there are way to many weapons on the map, and 2 choppers?! on Foundry? I'm sorry, but until this map is...
No problem, Send me an invite right now, if you want...I want to see how you map plays anyway, looks pretty interesting.
It was actually, I did it so players can jump on them and maneuver through the map with greater ease. The fence wall on 1st Street is a sort of...
Subdivisions BETA SUBDIVISIONS: GOLD EDITION IMPORTANT NOTICE: Subdivisions: Gold Edition has been closed indefinitely due to a strange...
No, it would be the inscription on a tomb.