The lunge range is quite small, and any other weapon would seem odd. Shotguns would work, but in the movies, don't the humans use shotguns against...
And it's been proven, that 100% of people with good reaction time are subject to premature ejaculation? First off, good reaction time can be...
A pretty accurate overview of all the consoles: Wii: Pros: - Least Expensive - Good Party games, lots of Family Games. - Unique controller ands...
lol you owned him TeXn. And this is a load of bullshit, Premature Ejaculation is much older than video games, and unless those 200 dutch guys all...
I feel bad that my internet died, I missed out on alot! Oh well, maybe next time...
Cats don't go in bags!
It's creeping along...thanks for asking, it's nice to see people actually care about my map and are waiting patiently for the newest update. =)
Thank you, I'm glad you like Rush as well, perhaps we should both make one called 2112? lol Right, I figured that might be a problem...Anyway,...
Ah!.....It still doesn't make sense...
......This video.....why.....why??!?
Sorry, I've been busy, and I'm ready to pretty much give you the clips.
lol "Look, one finger! If I can do it with one finger, you can do with your whole hand! Kids can do it!"
Join the ROFL Rangers NAO! ROFL Rangers
yeah, yesterday it said you were banned. o.O
lol how is it Call of Duty 4.5? World at War takes place in an entirely different time period, several years before COD:4. Anyway, my biggest...
You got banned?
Sounds quite fun, I assume it would, as I have set this map up for Flag Variants, go ahead and try it if you want, although I can't make any...
Glad to see this post Death. Testing this was fun, and it's nice to see some more great Urban maps here at Forge Hub. Looks the same from when we...
It is actually possible to jump from the window panel to the bridges, however, you cannot go anywhere from there so it would really only be useful...