One thing you could do i make a flying elephant. It's the only thing close to what you want. If you wanna know where to DL, or if you wanna make...
Thanks for the info. I never new my Zune was so weak :(
This notice is brought to you by the Forge Hub Map Breakers: The purpose of our group is to help make the communities maps better. We are here to...
Okay so its not just me, wait it is? Shoot. Can you give me a link to that. That could be really useful. Oh, that reminds me, I should add that...
Zune vs. iPod This debate will be comparing the differences between the 4gb Zune and the 4gb iPod nano. Each sell for about the same price, but...
It looks like I will be the first to mention The Dark Knight. It was so tragic that Harvey Dent went bad*, and how Batman took the blame. Very...
Pretty cool. I believe this belongs in Graphics and Art.
Wow, 100 DL's on a random screenshot. WTF! Not uncommon at all, there are way too many of these. 300th post!
Welcome to ForgeHub! Be sure to read the Rules before posting. Whose the green panda anyways?
Yeah, it's such a cheery image, which represents the places where thousands have died.
I played those maps by myself and was frustrated with how I couldn't do many cool tricks. Now I see how its done!
Thanks for the rep. Are you gonna use that sig?
Racetracks have had a decline in popularity recently and many creators of tracks are thirsting for more downloads and attention for their...
Welcome to ForgeHub. How did you get so much negative rep so fast?
Try playing the map, or at least looking at the videos, or even the first post before you talk about anyones map like that. I am so sick of people...
Those are pretty cool. Poor guy stuck in the public toilet with a brown floating object :)
I'll be on tonight. Post a map testing thread here. If you don't know how to post a map in the Map Testing forum, click here.
Yeah, the leader colors sounds pretty cool. Did you make a map for this? If so, post a DL link for the map and the gametype. I WANNA PLAY!!!