Maybe, just maybe, if we got those two tower things that shoot beams at the mines to activate them to shoot at both of the elephants at the same...
I know you claimed that this wasn't Photoshopped, but I have doubts. So how did you do this effect? It really does look like a concept render....
We would be the first of any one in the Halo community!
This is a whole new kind of foundry map. Most of these techniques and structures you used are unlike any other. Theres lots of interlocking and...
You need to embed your pictures via or another image hosting site. If your not sure about how to do this, go here:...
DraxFear's is hands down the best of the sigs up there. I don't know what else to say but that.
You are very lucky. Your luck though appears to be greater than your Warthog turret skill ;). And even if the Banshee did land next to the...
You... are a Paint god! I couldn't draw a decent stick figure with the dammed program. In 20 minutes, you were able to create a random mystery...
Eventually, in any decent screenshot's lifespan, the counter will read 117. Big deal. Come back to me when it gets 117,000 downloads.
The English language sucks. So as stupid as it sounds, mongooses is in fact the correct spelling of the word. Screw that, I'm still going to say...
You think anyone would ever insult LOCKdownN? I don't think so. Your the best GIMPer around. Oh, and sorry about the mis-capitalization on your...
Its free, you've got nothing to lose. I use it, and it works great for me. Even LockDownN uses it.
I would move him, but the render gets cut off there. I wouldn't smudge him out though, maybe just a little. I don't know what you mean when you...
Yeah, I know what you mean. It took less than ten minutes, and I didn't feel like downloading a new font. I'm editing it right now to make it flow...
Today I was just browsing through a render site and I found this render. I don't even know what game it's from, but I went with it anyways. If...
Thats one nice collection. I didn't know about some of those, particularly the ones on Vahalla and The Pit. I'm pretty sure theres some sort of...
Colorful... like Skittles! I can almost taste the rainbow. How were you able to squeeze all of the colors of the rainbow in a single screenshot?...
That was way too funny! Nice find. They really set themselves up for that one... I still cannot stop laughing! Post 333
You link is broken. Use this URL: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing. You should probably clarify that the title...
I say Mongeese, like geese. I hate it when someone says Mongooses, but I really don't hear Mongi very much.