Some guy posted a testing session for a new map he said he created, but I instantly recognized it as my friend's. 3:00-5:00 central/october...
I noticed this too. My theory is that they're working on an update of epic proportions. Or, they just forgot all about us.
Actually, the definition of cheating is to violate rules or regulations(yes, I looked it up). Hiding does not fit that definition. I do not...
Yeah, I got a question. What is the difference from the old nano? Excuse my ignorance, but I really haven't gotten a chance to look into it.
You know, the crashed pelican. I think thats what hes referring to.
He is actually only mentioning testers that were very helpful and attended all of the tests. At least I think that is what he is doing.
So its not in EST?! All my plans revolved around that...
Okay I'm still on my Xbox waiting for what should have been 12:00. Now its almost 3:00, and I still can't connect.
It actually looks like a dog to me. Maybe I'm one of those people without eyes though.
You didn't add my submission signature to the first post for voting.
Well its about time! I've been waiting for the official release for weeks. Those long hours really paid off though. The deployable cover was a...
"Purple Bunker + Fun + Skill = Pennyless"
I agree with everything you said except the last sentence which I colored red. There is no place in Halo 3 that is a perfect one-way defense. You...
No body laugh... [IMG] Its artistic, its colorful, its mario style.
WHAT?!?!? A GIRL??? Lol, jk. Welcome to ForgeHub.
I swear I reviewed this same shot somewhere else... maybe on I hope this isn't stolen- *sees this thread is by J A Y*- or someone stole it...
I agree, put them all in a spoiler. The first post was long enough before. I kinda see what you mean by the nodes chrst.
Wow. This has got to be one of the first 100% enclosed maps I have ever seen, that is actually big enough for good, enjoyable gameplay. Every...
Good job with cleaning up the whole post (your welcome). Doesn't it look so much more professional now? Much easier on the eyes.
I thought it had something to do with the Heavenly Hog effect. You do know I was just kidding about the whole Photoshop ordeal.