Wonderful, simply wonderful. I like your decision to keep the bottom level mostly open, as it really helps the game play. For the most part, the...
Not bad, but the tip of the right ear (bunny's left) is a little sloppy. The two top BRs are overlapping. Gave it a 10/10 though.
@Teerav11 You seem to be favoring that font lately. As for the sig, it looks to me like a basic fractal render with text and a border. I'm not...
Yeah, it's a nice way to find new artists similar to ones that you like. With iTunes and Zune, it is harder to find new artists.
It looks modern, but no where close to luxurious. The MPG probably makes up for it being small and stuff though. It doesn't look very safe either....
I've used it before, but it slows down my computer a lot. Gonna check it out now though.
I really want to pre order, but idk. I'm hoping I get it for my birthday or christmas or something! The Avalanche level thing looks awesome (saw...
If you need help on Forge Hub, such as with the rules, making good posts, questions, ect., then visit the New Member Helping Service. It is a...
Happy birthday to you
The other team was probably getting really upset. "HACKER!" "CHEATER!" "He's modding!!!!"
•FH username: Warfang •Total # of posts: 457 •Time since you signed up: 8 months •How much time a week you spend on Forgehub: Varies, at least 1...
EPIC WIN I have to try that sometime. The people on his team are probably all like "Get the **** away from me!"
You do make a good point. What this map needs is something that will make it stand out above the rest. It needs something to spice it up, like a...
I DLed, and wasn't very impressed. Many walls were crooked, and I didn't see any interlocking whatsoever. There are plenty of techniques you could...
I think that the rep system was okay before. They just need a few staff members whose sole purpose on this planet is to look after the reputation...
Ahhh, that sounds so cool. Aw well, good luck on Far Cry 2. It sounds awesome.
Lol this is so funny. I love those parodies from SarcasticGamer!
Good point. You don't get a medal for no-scoping, so if the range is right, ZOOM IN! I'm not saying that no-scoping is dumb, but I rather get the...
This was a great map when I tested it a month ago, and has grown even better through slight tweaks. Its so innovative: from the hallway to the...
When scoping, I find that I am more successful when I am patient and take the time to get the headshots, not just pulling the trigger when the...