nice map, looks great for zombies. cool tunnel idea for the zombies so they wont get spawn killed
welcome to forgehub. Is there any weapons or a special game for it? or just team slayer with assualt and/or battle riffles?
pretty nice map. nice and clean, good job, keep it up
pretty sweet. nice idea with the shield door respawning in 3 mins. so no one could use the mongoose after that
nice idea, dont know waht ill use it for lol but ill Dl and check it out. good job man
i thught it was funny, makes since lol nice pict.s by the way
nice map. cool placement and layout. showed you worked hard, good job
pretty nice. so just wondering, if you want to go up the elevator, you'll have to get the activecamo wouldnt you? but its creative ill DL...hope
thanks, its nice to have a nice comment from a journalist, hope you liked it.
pretty sweet map man. cool how you have the wepons on the wall verticaly instead of the usual on the floor or leaning on somthing. the video also...
pretty cool, ill use it for SWAT, im actually hating the heavy weapons like those, but ill DL
this map looks pretty awsome. seems tight for faster kills in each area
pretty sweet, i like the look of the tower...thing in the middle lol. ill DL
awsome map. i liek the video, showed all of the map. ill DL
looks sweet, for some reason i think iv been to this forum before but never left a comment or downloaded.
thanks, it wasnt that hard making the dumpster...its not exactly right but at least you know waht it is.
cool looking map, looks pretty good for CTF ill DL
ok people, i think he did or will read your comments about the picts. i dont think anyone else has to say it again
looks sweet, i love shoty snipers, so i just have to try it.
nice map, looks awsome, thats a DL for me.