Nice map and interlocking. personaly, i dont think two snipers would work well with a small map along with a shotgun, i think it would be too over...
dude, this is an amazing map. great job with the walls that are bridges, i havnt seen that used before.I like having 2v2 matchs with friends, so...
dude amazing map. i think this is better that Sector 7 i just posted a comment on. looks liek there is alot of walk ways, walls and rooms as if a...
looks like a fun map to play on. form the 2nd picture, looks a little bare, but that maybe the only spot. all the rest from what i saw looks...
pretty good looking map. for some reason i looks good without the interlocking on some of the boxes, but maybe it could have been used...i dont...
pretty sweet looking dragon. im sure its a great structure for game play. looks like these a pretty good amount of cover too. ill DL and check it...
personally i think theres not alot to it, unless it was built for quick matchs. good interlocking though. ill DL and check it out
um well i could mess around with it when i get the chance. i am now working on an idea for a map thats non-MLG. but ill see what i can do, thanks
nice map man, along wih the pictures, giving some different colors. looks like its used for shotty snipers, and swat too. I got to DL
looks interesting, looks pretty good for 1v1 and 2v2. ill DL and check it out, good job
good job with the map. for some reason i liek the center walk way with the fence wall, i dont know why lol. ill DL and check it out 4/5(from the...
pretty sweet map, nice job with the curve for the bases; thats something different.Also looks like it is for actual MLG rules. good job 5/5
the frst maps looks pretty decent, and the last one has to much of open area by my thought. good job with the mpa pack though 6/10
awsome map man. im not going t critizise because its really good, i didnt exactly see any flaws in the picts. ill DL and check it out, and welcome...
awsome map man, nice idea with...well all of it. got to DL 5/5
its ok, but for actual MLG rules, you cant use the trucks and forklifts. The barrels would have to have wepon holders above so tey wont move, and...
pretty decent. maybe some interlocking for it to be smooth. good job though 4/5
Its pretty neat, pesonally i think theres alittle bit of open area, but i might play fine. 3.5/5
looks nice. this would be a fun map for infection. also i like the story you put behind it, great job with that 5/5
It was a good idea, maybe some interlocking to make the map nice ans smooth 2/5