pretty good idea for a map. liek u said it its different. to me, some of teh spawn points seem alittle to open to lead to spawn killing. also if...
sweet, wat r u doing to it?
pretty good map, looks pretty clean. looks liek it will have maybe a gaurdian or lcokout/blackout feeling with it being compacted like that and...
nice map. pretty good idea with the bottom center peice having the walls cave in. i think the damage mod. would be a pretty good idea to go clutch...
nice clean look for the 2nd floor. the man cannons fallowed by a slope is a pretty sweet idea. but as others said, it seems like there isnt that...
nice FFA map. i liek the interlocking that you have, nice idea and form for the sinlge box and then a around 45* angle double box above is (yea *...
nice map. good job making it clean w/ the doubleboxs around the map. for pict. 3, its bugging me just a little that the bridge is sticking out a...
very nice map. i like the design of walls for the mauler. also good job making it clean with the goemerging. i dont know why people think it is...
pretty nice map. srry, but to me it seems alittle plane. maybe if any money left, add some cover. also kind of confused why it is considerd a v1.6...
pretty nice map. i liek the lay out, also commented by Feuersturm. Im still confused with how shooting fusion ciols sets off a grav. lift moving...
i have been looking for a well designed map to play on with my brothers that is in a circlular form. looks like a fun map for BR FFA. i also like...
very nice map. looks liek there is a big area up at the bases and it all seems like it is a very smooth map. i liek the brides that you formed...
nice ideas with the whole map basicly. i like the base design that it has and the type of slope from the top side slowly going down to middle and...
well i typed up a pretty long comment for your map, and once i pressed "post quick reply" the internet sorce couldnt be found and i couldnt get on...
wow very ineresting a good way ofcorse. wat i like alot about it is teh stairs on the outside middle up to the top middle...i havnt seen...
great job with the map. awsome look with the bridge structure, looking different from other designs iv seen. i aslo like the idea and placement of...
i'v been looking for an accurate re-make of battle/beaver creek. looks pretty good from the picts. ill download. thanks
like everyone else had, thats an awsome lookign map with the two slopes covering the map. Looks like a real fun map to play on. ill...
this map looks interesting. i thought it was a new kind of look with teh bases with the stairs as cover and all, ill download and check it out....
wow, i liked the looks from the first couple of pictures. good job with the structure. i think the camo might work well with it becasue looks like...