really awsome looking map, liek some other said it reminds me or Narrows, and i like Narrows. like X Taco King X said, it does seem to be a little...
wow u wernt kidding about close quarters for this map. well i think that maybe take off the filter to get a clear view of the map, since its up...
pretty different looking map(in a good way) i cant believe all of those people just talked about the hornets, im sure you got hte picture, so ill...
well this is a pretty cool looking map, nice designs with the bases. with the (what im guessing) red base, it seems thats 2times bigger than the...
wow, interesting map. umm just to let you know if you dont, if this is going to be under the MLG forums, then maybe have it completely MLG rules...
wow not alot of poeple are getting a goo length on this map to help you out. well i was windering since this can work for MLG gametypes, why not...
interesting map. i dont really see the vehicles being that affective seeing the narrowness of the map, bt it might work out. for some reason, i...
ok so first of all. Welcome to ForgeHub =]. im glad to see that the thread is up to standerds. maybe for the thread, put a little more map...
thats really cool kinda gametype. i dont see people using spikers lately, great idea with that. its also a great idea that peple get be excited to...
im with "AItius" and im a "berk" not that great for a 1v1. personally i think 1v1 maps to be assymetrical such as Guardian. For the shotgun, yes...
i actaully do like the map. i love how you desigend the area where the camo is. thats awsome to me. besacuse the the boxes, are you able to get on...
interesting design with the bases, pretty cool with that idea. itss pretty different with have a SMG infont of the mangoose and a plasma riffle...
oh wow, i never thought somebody would make a remake of this. this is awsome. of what i can remeber, it looks alot like it. i liek the sword...
tahts a pretty interesting map, seems kinda open out in the middle. i do like where you placed the color orbs for some reason, sets off a good...
i think that it is a decent map, srry, but hey thats just me. if you can fully go into the tunnnels that are close to the center, that kinda seems...
aww, im a jumping kinda person when i play halo3 =] oh well but this is an awsome looking map. i like how you put some stuff through the walls so...
i really liek the map, it looks alot different from some other skybubble maps here on FH. i also liek how as you said, it is a map revolving...
pesoanlly i never found the interest of downloading/commenting/or even seeing threads about halo3 tracks, but by the looks of this, i am going to...
If you didnt know, X DREAM 76 X has posted a thread on the sandbox money glitch if you didnt know, the thread is here...
i would have to agree with ROFLninja and ROC bioflame. it does seem open and kinda, but not really, slopped together. it would be nice to put some...