ineresting idea for a map, i dont kn how the game pla would work with(when playing team slayer) one team on top, just camping ang shooting with a...
really nice map, i love the layout of the map. I really like the merging on "the citadel" I likethe way the collums look. It was really interesing...
very nice raceing map, its huge. its would stink if oyu fall of and you were so close to the end. i like how you can snipe and lazer while...
wow that is an awsome map, i really like the design of the bases. the outside (purple and gold) dont seem to be planned out that well, but if oyu...
personally i like it, but yes, the line on the right isnt looking exactly right, but it does put a little bit if a asymmetric look
im srry, but i would have to agree with | ABlindGuy | theres not alot to it, its a good job thought, i think maybe have one deathball instead of...
very intersting map. is there any pictures for where the zombies respwn? i wouldnt mind seeing that area. For the base, its really nice, for the...
well like the others say, it be nice to add some more pictures to some more areas of the map. With the darkness of the map, it doesnt attract me...
well i would talk about the picts. a little sadely, but it seems your going to add more. for what i can see, this looks like a really good map. i...
good job with the map. i like your paragragh giving a good example where the map came from, making it a little different from the other maps on...
ok, so i do have to say, this is probly the best symmetrical map on sandbox, and others might agree. Adding the "Skulls" makes an awsome...
To start this off, im am glad to day Welcome to ForgeHub, hope you have fun. like alot of people are saying, I really like Reaction, because one i...
lol wow, i cant believe i did that, thanks lol well thanks for the comment guys, im going to get to work on the left side.
wow i really like this, i havnt downloaded a foundry map for a while and i think im pretty sure that im going to. i like the middle bunker alot,...
well to start this comment off, im going to say Welcome to ForgeHub and i hope you have alot of fun of this site. Ok so, i usually give my...
Ok, well thanks for reading if doing so. I have finally made the choice to make a SIG since im done with alot of work in my Votec class. There im...
wow...that was awsome...i never thought somebody would come up with something that sweet, amazing job on this, the youtube video did help alot,...
this as an awsome, design. nice job using the man cannons for lights. sandbox helped alot with this kind of map. sadely i cant think of anything...
wow, good map. with the height of the sniper do you get up there? doesnt seem exactly right taht you cant snipe the other sniper, yea...
i would have to agree with SV33T SAUC3, little cover, and really open. since you know how to geomerge now, it would help out with the map, people...