My mom is sleeping, and i think justice is coming over.. If you bring halo we could do a few customs? my new house dont got XBL... But yeah bring...
Cant, also. Youtube is PeedohProductions, PEdo was taken, email is the same but @hotmail.com iight?
Lolz Niec hold on
Speak in the Disscusion thread, its stickied also. Stop spamming in here guys..
**** , just cnc jesus.
DONT Shake the screen and stuff so much.
you didnt cnc it in my thread, so ill post in yours. Ice preferably. since its gimp.
its a stock.. And i saved it high res, as a .png Sooo, its your computer..
Sticky please? http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-screenshots/77464-forgehubs-screenshot-week-2-a.html#post940705
...... Cnc?
..... Cnc?
[IMG] This is Forge Hub's Screenshot of the Week, equivalent to Signature of the Week in Graphics & Arts, except with Halo 3 screenshots. If...
Yup, gettin in the mood to share. Gimp, Took about 2 hours. [IMG]
Post that in the discussion thread, i need to make it today, the updates ****ed it up, i ihad it ready all night just needed to post, but the...
Porn in the Shoutbox. Twitter update thing, DONT open it. @ girls one cup crashin yur comp.
Ninjaaaa !
Too purple!
i hate baggers i understand what you mean, and the guy for your double, i didnt even see him.
i got a 2 for 1 for a triple kill in team snipers, then got another doublekill for a sniper spree.