Bettar than your sig for sure.
**** YOU BISH YOUR ****IN TRASH HORE FUKYOUGODIEDIDIEIDIEIDIEDIEDIE**** YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111!!!!!1!!!!!! /nocaps. Srsly, what you said...
I dont know. I dont want to harass you..... Yeah sure, might be like, a few days tho, thursday for sure .
Best of canada, discribes it best. YouTube - CLASSIFIED THE MARITIMES (ORIGINAL)
k 1 sec.
Okay, E Dee is back in here, I Heard from a Moderator that he has permission from admins to have an account.
FU ): Moar Music: YouTube - Classified - 5th Element
E Dee is back in it.
YouTube - Classified - All About You
i sed hoe. giv me some links to your DL'd c4d :D
I wasnt taking that, thats why.
YouTube - Classified - All About You Good ol Canadian music.
Lmfao? Nathaniel, A Default brush is a circle brush, or fuzzy brush, or galaxy or vine, not a downloaded brush...
Thats not a default brush. sorry bud.
ho flr
Nice guide, added to the Index
And in the toolbox/bar or whatever the **** its called, is were you change the dynamics etc.
lolFAIL render brushes. i meant default brushes,
I dont believe you, if you did, why is there random dots everywere?
Nice lmao. I wanted to know the other effect to, i just didnt ask fifty questions like you did, lmao. K enough chatter.