): Sadface.
Hey, you should make me a blog header :D
Nice story.
I kno And I Know. Just like Donii Is My Real name and iinoD is my new gamertag, But iinoD looks dumb so i put Donii.. Im just saying you should...
Thats an epic double box.
/facepalm.. Im SiC NaStY Looks Stupid, And Miraj Looks Good....
i mean im sic nasty is nasty miraj looks way better.
Im thinking of getting it. i dont know though, will i get render minutes or no? cause thats the reason im thinking of getting it..
last one looks best imo, i love the lighting, but for the effects, the first one would look nice with the visor showing.
Bungie.net : Halo 3 Game Details
Its a c4d Effect brush. i had it in my early days.
Make it horizontal. like my current sig, but on the left side.
My fail of a signature.. [IMG]
Its better, Make the border x=2 y=4 And maybe put the text in black on the left side near the ducks arm, because the left side seems a little bland.
You gotta use smaller canvas's, Also get a border to take up some room. and erase the lines on his face. and dont use c4d brushes.
Wow, just looked at my camera, my parents took pictures of me sleeping last night...
Yum, i thought it was gun be dirty.
Find me a pretty lady stock pl0x
its k (: