Found a thread on b.net, it's a huge analyzation, noting all the little details of the video. LINK Look (taken from the album linked above)...
Looks more like it destroyed the ghost to me. [IMG]
Bubbleshield imo. It did explode after use though.
Did anyone else notice the elites doing rolls? :O If you look closely at the covenant lock on rocket weapon, you'll notice it fires 3...
You should put pictures as well... I find that they are easier to explain and show a map with. Videos are for gameplay. Anyways, I distinctly...
Asset Convoy Map Pack - XForgery
Have it flipped so people can't use it but use objects to hold it down so that players can't flip it right side up.
I think it would've made more sense if you had said it over there rather than here, but thanks for the heads up anyways.
I don't think it's that they couldn't, but rather they don't want to.
Bungie is not switching to dedicated servers. Ever. I will agree that 8v8 gets laggy, but maybe bungie has done a thing or two to make it seem...
UPDATE So, it's been a while... but anyways, it's hinted here in an IGN article that there may be up to 24 players max. At any given time in a...
One of the X10 interview podcasts, they confirmed no dual wielding, as well as the appearance of elites in MM.
check thread again.
Yes, ask an admin.
I no dis gai. He's silly boy who needs to see Jenny Craig, watches a form of cartoon I will not repeat, and doesn't afraid of anything(except for...
Pokemon Snap spiderman 2 Sonic Adventure 2 Battle The last 2 on gamecube. yeah, they're not extremely old, but they're the oldest games i have...
Thanks, I'm disappointed there were no maps to go along with it though :/
I was referring more to the program and computer I used. took like 3 god damn hours to render.