To answer your questions. 1. How can you take this as racism? He freaking cast out the demon! 2. To my point below. Sin is genetic. Women...
No, regretfully, I couldn't get it to work properly. If you went in one, you'd just end up in the other side of your own base. 90% of the time you...
umm... no, it doesn't read it again.
Woah, lucky! You got Insane to post in here! Anyways, I'm prob gonna DL to test it out before I say anything other than. Interesting Idea for the...
Actually, its necrophobia... not the dead nasty... it means the fear of death
Looks a little open, but looks pretty cool! Good job on the aesthetics! If one team got the flag, the person with it is almost certainly doomed, I...
Reply to Conkerkid11: There are two different sections in the map to stimulate better gameplay. If you could just get straight from one base to...
- Long Gone -
go to the email adress you signed up with and change the age up to 18. Then, go to | Home, sign in using the email address, go...
I can't create an account... so i just said i didn't have one in the Live arena username slot...
Theyre not spending it until they know
- lolololol -
It looks good aesthetically, but it looks a little open, If someone has the sniper and gets to the highest point, they become god. I recommend...
Nice job, looks pretty true to the original and I loved the original, good job and keep it up. I always love remakes.
thanks, man!
If i knew how to add reputation, I would, and by the way as of like 1:00 PM today, I'm in the testers guild also!
I love the use of gloomy to make it impossible to snipe, its pretty original in my terms. I like it, theres nothing else i can really say but I...
umm, sorry man, it does look like tundra, but, I completely believe you when you say it's not an edited version, the gameplay may feel similar,...
Hey, I need an interview for the Testers Guild... just send me a message with a time thats good for you and I'll be on... Umm, can it be on...
I don't freakin care... It's blood gulch. I'm already in love!!! <3 <3 <3 G'job on the remake, i only wish there was an easy way to make terrain...