As my last argument in anything on the debate forum, I'm posting this: Evolutionists claim that the process of life started something like...
Yeah, my gamertag is..... stickmanmeyhem
I'm not sure if you know me, but you know some people I know... Unless you were in the cartographers clan, or you like aesthetic maps, chances are...
Looks pretty nice. Good construction, although the idea for the drop pod is kinda simple... The map is not nearly as bad as your spelling or...
Looks nice! clean interlocking, well constructed, multi-leveled, looks nice! 5/5 + 1DL
1st: I feel that my IQ just dropped down because I read your post. Please, you're not two. I R HAP TAT U MAK PRRTY MAPEZ! Commas, spaces,...
Thanks, it's always nice to help people out!
Hey, are you ever gonna unlock the GDT?
pville, I recommend you delet your post now. That argument has been over for eight hours and Scope said if anyone else spams that thread that the...
Hahaha you always have to beat me to it, don't ya? Anyways, i'm just gonna sumarize what he said... -Skybubble -Moar Inturlokz -Find someone to...
Yeah, as everyone else said, you need pics and you need to change the name of the post just to "ode to alpha" instead of everything else also...
Do you approve of the post I tried to use as an ending post? I feel it was well worded and maturely written.
The fight is officially over.
The fight has officially been resolved.
Okay, thanks for helping me end it. As my mom used to say, It takes 1 Person to start a fight, but it takes 2 to finish it. Anyways, its over....
I know I did the same thing... And I admit it was out of shear emotion. He attacked me so I threw as low of a blow back... The only thing I find...
Hey, in reply to your post in the discussion thread, in all fairness, he attacked me first. I just retailiated...
I never said you had a bad rep. I know you put a lot of effort into the guild and I know you wish that you could help a lot more than you already...
I'm trying to end this nicely with both of us hopefully being friends again... give me 10 mins?