There are some new things up in the sig thread of the TG... *Hint Hint*
Yes, I am epicness in myself so even if you just had a screenshot of me just standing in your map it would be epic
Okay get on live and I'll send you the map for the test today.
Happy Birthday
Okay, It's good that you want to put this behind us and just get on with life. There's just one thing I wanted to clarify. I'm not trying to say...
Scratch that, 9PM eastern
Hows 8PM Eastern for ya?
Okay, I'll make the thread and send you the map
--The next four messages you read will be my reply to what you said--
Woah, I approached you maturely and peacefully with this, you decide to point all the fingers at me? Please try to understand that it takes two to...
I didn't want to bring this up while we were both still volatile after the fight, but I'm thinking that I should have because right after we...
You seem to think that anyone who posts like this automatically thinks they're higher than you and you feel that you're being belittled. I'm sure...
If you do that, it's spam. When I posted in the forum saying it was spam, I wasn't acting like staff, I was simply stating the truth. I'm not...
Cool people think alike!
Okay, I feel as if ever since I joined the guild, there has been a little bit of harsh feelings between us. I feel that it was just building up...
Hey, Playerhata, can you host a test for me? I've almost completed a map, but I just found out I won't be able to get gold for another week... So,...
1st: lolwut? 2nd: Nice Idea, you actually pulled it off very well... I haven't seen a kitchen made before, ever. Very original and its actually...
Hapz Birfday!
It was an example... Not nearly as big as your "Big bang" Try thinking of something like... Hiroshima Just because it was a bad example doesn't...