oh, scope, if you do want to see my new map, you can check out its thread... its the unnamed one that im letting people dl and test until the 16th
Ya don't say!
... maybe I'll come back later... lol jkjk My life's been awkward lately, My mom just went in for knee surgery and I've been sick with a viral...
You mean 12pm, right?
Wassup dude? I was just wonderin if you'd like to do that test now. You know, the one you forgot about... lol jkjk But seriously, I'd love it if...
What was that whole thing between you and SargeantSarcasm? You must've been high or something when you wrote that...
Just wonderin whats up with you.
okay, will do!
Scope, for that sig/avatar contest, can I use the sig/avatar I posted in the testers guild sigs thread? nobody paid attention to it and i feel its...
Hey, Whispy. Can you add me to the TG Chat on Skype? My username is stickmanmeyhem Thanks!
PS it crashed again.
"11 hours ago" That means you posted THAT at 1 in the morning.
I don't hate you, I just think you need to spend some time somewhere else so both you and everyone here can cool down. And the whole thing about...
I thought you were leaving FH. Aren't you?
what happened? What did you do that got you kicked from the guild?
ouch star
Get off your lazy butt and restart the server!
It's fine, If we host it on friday I might be able to make it also! So yeah, no sweat about the test buddy.