Scopety Scope Scope! Umm, I've been thinking... You seem to have a lot of good ideas for my map, I'm grounded so i can't work on it currently, and...
okay, gimme about ten mins to get the pics up... I'm already on, but i wont be talking...
umm, okay... I don't know if you have me... If not, my username is stickmanmeyhem
Scope, if you're intrested, i need some help with my map... I know that neither of us can access XBL at the moment, but I think you're the best...
Hey, KB! Congratz on Guild Leader!
Yes, master. My padawan ignorance has blinded me again...
Is the judging for the avatar/sig contest gonna happen? Or is it just gonna be left open forever and ever and ever...?
So, the point of all that was just to say that you're not immature, but just a person who acts like they're high all the time... if not, then......
So are you like 20 and have the maturity of a 12 year old?
Okay, the quote block and some useless info is out.
Okay, I'll take it out...
Oh, okay... Sweet, now I'll finally get some useful feedback!
hahahaha. But seriously. I really want to do some serious reno's on my posse's hq...
Hey, scope. Can I ask a favor? I don't know if its that big of a deal, but would it be possible to fit my map in the map coordinate test? I really...
I call six!
Well, look who it is! Nice to see you around again Killor! Okay, now to the map... First: It looks like a few things could be placed better... The...
Yeah, the map is only in pre beta stage... I just want to get some opinions before I go too far to turn back on my map.
So you interested in helpin out with my map testing? I'd really appreciate it!
Not much goin on... I joined the FH TG and my gold is currently out. But, I do have a new map going through pre beta testing if you're interested....
awww, snap! that sucks!