I like the merges a lot, but from what the pictures show it seems to lack cover. You should take a couple good overview shots as well; only...
[IMG] Random lawlz.
I haz teh Reconz. Muahaha. I dislike it however.
Holy butt. I demand a release.
WOO. Does this mappack utilize Longshore'z hawtness?
Lol, if you take away the fact that they both had better long term sales.
Silence, it's this reason alone that FH loves you. ;D Nice find bro
Truly saddens me that Penny Lane wasn't included. Alright, not that much, Rubber Soul is a good fix.
Megadeth - kay. Everything else, no just no. Beatles can't be done again; Activision would only butcher the beauty that is The Beatles:...
The game is eye candy. From start to finish. Contrary to what the general public [of] RB players believe[d] most of the songs are pretty difficult...
To clear it up, It's a 'Live' track pack. Not necessarily a game pal. props for Hendrix's AAtWT cover, better by far. However I can't imagine...
congrats man, cant wait
who cares. and I don't say that all because I have gold til August 2010
You guys really that upset? Go listen to some music or watch That 70's show. Both good alternatives.
My guess is, they aren't done just yet.
mhm, with ODST.
Wah wah wah. Blink's good get over it. Anyways as much as I probably shouldn't I'll probably get it.
It surely looks like Hell. Nice job on this
The Beta of Fall's update or the preview of Aug 11 update? I happened to have signed up for the preview and i received the system update today...