I want to know how much you get for sitting through all the post-game lobby drab.
I'm ready to cryongenically freeze myself.
<3 I plan on remaking the Assault variant from Timesplitters: FP. It's basically Invasion.
This sounds really cool, but your pictures aren't painting a pretty picture. Avoid showing off the map with pictures that are clouded by filters,...
I've never been an active forger, but that (as well as my social life) end when I get my hands on Forge 2.0 What they've done with Forge is jaw...
Timesplitters, nuff said.
Rank: 41 Sens: 3
Are you looking to get zapped by the lord almighty? lulz, the map looks good so far but I agree with yoyo, you should switch out the Splazer...
Welp, **** that. I'll never buy another game with Activision's name on it. Now why would that matter? It's only me. Well Call of Duty is a fun...
Agreed, spawns and spawn hives can suck tremendously in this game. However it's not as frequent in objective games, which if you've yet to try I...
That. On top of those feelings, what disappoints me is the superhuman intelligent AI as seen in games such as F.E.A.R. or Far Cry where no matter...
Chill out there bud, these fine folks were only explaining that they wished it'd been something more, don't get all butthurt. Now for me Bungie...
Nopeees. I'm just going to go squeeze a little more awesome out of it now. :]
No sir mr. Theorem, you get 60 minutes of active-online play (so customizing/lobbies don't count :happy:) @Pegasi I bought the game a couple...
yeah no problem, that was so obnoxious.
lolnaked, ban him. front page>> he has 4 spam map posts.
Firefight really disappointed me in terms of what I expected, which sucks cause I favor Halo to Gears and occasionally CoD. It's not even the lack...
I hope they put out a free map pack, so their lovely Halo 3 fans have something awesome to play for the next several months.
You guess correctly. Take my hand.. I haz teh bubblez.
ahahaha. I love the epic win that is random host-fail-born glitches.