this is an awesome racetrack, love it. 5/5 everything looks sweet, the interlockings awesome, and i downloaded it, played it with a group, and...
i think theres way to much open space, and the interlocking coul;d be better
sounds a lot liken the original halo map, which ive been meaning to make, but this is one room, so it seems like the teeporting doors wont...
looks unique nice job homes, 4/5
interlocking would be the best, looks like all that would work is slayer though, maybe territories/ king of the hill
you could have posted in another thread, then you could have askedhow to post maps before you posted this
looks open, but i like the bunker idea w/ the pallets
if you want to make it mlg then you need to get rid of the shield doors, my opinion at least
good idea, map looks nicely made
sounds like duck hunt, can the zombies kill the hum,an, how many shots
everything seems weird, walls could be merged for aesthenics, what is a truck doing these, and does the mongoose serve a porpoise
these maps are strarting to annoy me but yours looks well made, a few bumps but better then most
this is awesome, i think the next one it shold climb up the wall
when i read the name i was wow this is gonna suck but it looks okay, maybe board off some of the map so its not so big
nice job, ive seen a boat before,it was a pirate ship i would say they are pretty equal, gameplay might be better on this though
looks good, nice use of movable objects, you can run around the outside of the map too right?
great job looks good for cap the flag, one thing i would add is more ways to get over the wall
looks good but could use more pics of the back part of the map either way 5/5
waitm what hapens in 10 minutes does it end or fusion coils or what
interlokcing and geomerging is awesome, one of the best. 5/5