theres been a few of these maps, i think some interlocking would make this great and im assuming this is a casual map rtight? it doesnt look like...
i know its simple but you need pics anyway, and a better discription or else a mod/mini mod will lock this.
congrats on the feature bro, this looks awesome, interlocking is clean so is the geomerging, the bridge pillar thing is impressive, thats really...
hey so take the people above me's advice, but a longer discription may help people to visualize the maps while the pics are dpwn.
Good job, the interlocking is really clean, obviously it looks cramped, but you made it that way, and i love it. 5/5
great job, interlocking looks sweet, i love the part where you go under the wall corners, i give you a five out of five for clean interlocking...
cold storage is a tough map to forge oon, especially race tracks, i applaud the effort but it looks cramped and difficult, my favorite part is...
LINK IS DOWN, FIXING THE MAP UP, SOME STUFF ISN'T SPAWNED. Aye bros, this is my new map Bad Posture. I named it this because i wanted to stay...
the u banked turn thata sends you back to the beginning could use work, also the strait away could get a little confusing
sounds good, i looked at the screenies and it does look sloppy, maybe when you figure out how to post, post a v2 of this with interlokced walls,...
wow, this is an awesome map, interlocking is clean everything looks good 5/5 some changes i would recommend for v3 are putting reciever nodes on...
wow nice looking map, might even work for slayer
wow this looks awesome, it deffinately does not lick left nut
looks like something i would hate cause i hate feeling pressured, haha good map though prob like a 4/5
i think your pics are thumnbnails, you might wanna fix that
the map looks good, but i think some geomerging would make it better
good job its nice to see something made thats not on foundry, i think sandtrap could be used a lot more in forge. , its a decent map, 3/5
k, you got your pics now, clearly this is your first post so congrats on that, on to the map... i have three problems with this map, a- it...
the scarab looks awesome, first of all, but unfortunately, the gameplay seems lopsided, the scared side has some weapons, but the opposition has...
this is a great map, only thing is some interlocking looks a little messy (floors)