wow bro, this is awesome, 5/5 clearly, originality is crazy with the dumpsters in the fifth pic, clearly you spent time on this map. So because...
looks good bro, im assuming that since you wanted it to be foundry 2 you didnt use any interlocking/geomerging on purpose? Anyway, the map looks...
wow, i remeber seeing this for the first time, it was awesome then, and its awesome now. Congrats on the feature, an obvious 5/5
ahha my bad blaze, i think it has a chance, its really good. Also do you think you could check out my newest maps, its getting awesome reviews,...
map looks okay, interlocking the rough will rsult in better aesthenics, and more downloads. more pictures will give eople a better idea of the...
wow this is awesome, it must have taken forever i hate geomerging, but its worth it, it makes your map looks good, and clearly you have some skill...
i shoulda been more discriptive haha, i meant slayer front page
looks cool, haha alo looks like something i would struggle with, ill stick to the usual, and congrats on shift v6 getting featured awesome map it...
cool, looks like a crazy map, haha interlocking could use work in some parts though, nothing major just minor cracks you need to fix
WOW! Both of you deserve to be premiums, I'm surprised your not. you come out with some of the best maps. So the interlocking is obviously near...
awesome job, the map looks cool, with nice interlocking, the dumpster room loks really inventive, 5/5 great job
i like almost all aspects of this map, the geomerging is awesome, and the tunnel you made looks real cool. The interlocking of the stairs to make...
awesome map, interlocking looks great in some places, and not so great in others. Even though this is a ridiculous request, to not lose any...
I actually don't feel this map is bare at all. The geomerging is superb good job on that. The interlocking looks good as well. I like the wall...
wow blaze, this is so good its sick, 5/5 isnt even good enough, how you took the time to geomerge everything is ridiculous, and the single box's...
ha i like this nice job, tennis may not work, and im not sure what jousting is haha but this looks good nice job
heyy good job glitch, freat infection map, and one of the best posts ive ever seen. 5/5
thanks for the great feedback, anything i can fix???
good job, this is an awesome first post, the maps been done before but it doesnt matter, it looks well made with no way to get it, congrats