from what i see the interlcoking is awesome, and good aesthenics, but i think you need more pics.
the interlocked lookks good, but like a lot of mlg maps i think it's too open. Maybe throw in a second floor above the middle platform and attach...
the map looks awesome, the bunker is really good, with great interlocking. Maybe add more cover, but dont change anything else. 5/5
the first thing i n oticed were the walls werent lined uyp strait, I also noticed no interlocking, which isnt a problem as long as the map is done...
good job, pretty good interlocking, The room with thee curved everything is wicked cool though, my map im working on right now has a room kinda...
thanks blaze, the respawns are kinda screwed up though, i might make a v2 just to fix that, and maybe throw in some more aestthenics, one wall...
haha so this is like a map where you just run into doors and end up random places? I love it, its like the old scooby-doo episodes when they would...
the map looks good, and i would prob like it if i liked the original one, but i dont haha. the interlocking looks nice though. good job prob a 4/5
clue's awesome and so is this, th interlocking is sick, and the geomerged fence wall is awesome, a def. 5/5
one of the most original maps, and it aloso looks like a lot of fun, good job bro. 4.5/5
i ike the circle shap, and 2v2 it might be too big for, awesome map though, i think interlocking the outer wall, and if you have more double boxes...
what you interlocked looks really good, but you deffinatlely need more ways up to the middle then just the two stairs, once some one gets up there...
I have never played socom, but I'm sure this looks just like the map. It's awesome for a non-interlocked map, and i hope you make one that is...
looks cool, interlocking isnt bad, its actually pretty good, its bviously a simple map, but i made one of my best maps in like 4 1/2 hours, and...
the bases looks good, but the back wall looks waaaayyyyy too topen. Maybe make a platform there, higher up then the bases, and add more to the middle
good job, the map looks wicked fun, i like the whole idea of the map. the switches are well thought out. 5/5
nice job, map looks good, more interlocking would make running smoother, and the last pic with the bridges looks a little crooked, work on that.
im glad you tyook suggestions from your old map. now what I would do is put in tome interlocking to make running smoother and for better...
good interlocking, it looks cool, but the bridge nside of the double box doesnt look like it needs tyo be there, it might just cause a bump
wow! this is your first post, and its this good? Congrats on at least a 4.5 from everyone bro, doesnt looks like theres anything wrong with this one.