wow blazee, this is just sick. Geomerging is awesome, interlocking is near perfect, and aesthenics are ill. the one thing i n oticed (if anything...
so everything is boarded off and its just this hallway? It doesnt look like you added much though. i think i see a rocket too, could you add a...
looks way too open, and it could use interlocking and geomerging. Thew chute looks pretty good though, maybe a 2 or a 3 out nof 5
map looks pretty cool, good interlocking and geomerging, loks like it would be better for small parties.
i think the map may be lacking a little, and interlocking could use some work. good idea, a high ground type of feel.
good job bro, aesthenics are sick, and it has some awesome structures. I'm not sure how the great aesthenics will play though. but from what i...
map looks really cool with great interlocking, you hsould add a pic with the roof, I'm glad a get my 300th post on a great map. 5/5
yah bo i think you need more pics, and jesus how many maps did you post today?
i think you need more pics, but from what i can see, This map looks really well made, and awesome, 5/5 from whats visiable, great interlocking
i dont think im gonna download. I dont think ill ever play on it, sorry. Good idea thugh, some nice things inside the map, but you vcould meet...
the map looks like it has a great design, but it could usemore geomerging and interlocking. Also, i cant find the download link.
nice job bro, this is real inventive. Gameplay looks solid, and it looks like you made the whole thing floating? either way its a 5/5 great job bro.
this looks really good, seems like it would be fun, but i see some parts where interlcoking could use some work.
dont rate your own map, illl edit this comment when pics are up.
didnt you post v2 yesterday? so not many changed could be made right? the outter wall still needs interlocking, but gameplay ;looks good.
i think the maps too big, thats my opinion though, i justy dont like avalanche. I do like the circular base though, i think thats real cool/
looks good, assuming its for aesthenics? If its for gameplay, interlocking is needed for smoother running. The outside of the ship is awesome.
i like the idea of the map, but more interlocking would make it great, also, put in more pics. I wanna see the whole map.
i actually think this map is awesome, slayer or mlg. The interlocking looks great, and geomerging is ill. i think its a 5/5
i honestly dont understand, i think a better discriptyion along with more pics will give me a better idea of the map, no rating.