i like it, i prefer the stand off one, but this is sick. *by the way the x games were facking crazy, danny way's whipe out almost made me ****...
bro theres no way you spent twenty hours, its a good map, but 20 hours there would be a lot more cover, more structutrs, better and mroe...
it has interlokcing, but could prob use more, and it is like other zombie maps i think. Its decent, but nothiing special. 3/5
the first pic looks wll made, and i think i like the layout, so is it asymetrical, or symetrical i cant tell. edit- allright im back, the map...
looks like a good first post, you dont need to but some will complain about lack of interlocking and geomerging, map loks fine though good hob
the map looks really cool, great aesthenics, grab more pics though bro, sorry sexy dude, i posted like a second after you yours wasnt there,...
you've been busy lately, eh bro? this is like your fifth post of the week, and my favorite so far. What matters is the caverns, where gamplay...
heres a quick review, The first thing i noticed was the layout was crazy, and has some real cool designs in it. unfortunately some of the walls...
i do think the interlocking could be a lot better, and geomerging could add some easier ways to jump around, the map has a great design though,...
I completely disagree, the interlokcing is sick, along with the geomerging, and it looks well thought out, aesthenics are awesome and the back...
looks pretty good with decent interlocking, great first post. MLG maps dont usually contain mancannons though haha, also; how do you get to the...
mao looks sick, awesome interlocking, i love the question mark haha, so sweet aesthenics as well. Gameplay also looks real fun. good job on this...
great map, nice asethenics, i love the stair structure, gameplay looks like it will be okay, one thing i would do is take more time on the bases,...
I know this is a good map, but i really hate maps on ghost now( no offense bro) it does looks like it would run smooth, just not my type of map....
looks pretty weird, good idea; pretty originial. i'm not sure if im gonna download, but it looks like it might be some fun, the party couldnt be...
aesthenics looks fine, not sure how gameplay is, you know you can get out of those windows though right?
im kinda diggin the armory thing, but it could use much less power items, and im not sure how gameplay will be, it looks almost unrelated.
i remeber pusle v1, and you did make improvements, you put more cover with the barriers, but i still think you need more, geomerged boxes, maybe...
ive seen this a few times, interlcoking would make it better, but this is good, looks like fun.
great first post, map looks decent, interlocking in the first pic is great, i know thats difficult, geomerging would make this nicer, but i...