bro this is better then a 2 out of five. i think its good, there isnt much you can worok with on valhalla, my opinion one of the worst forging...
hah bro this is great, seems best for like a party of four, real original. sweet map, interlocking would make it smoother in game and on the...
Yah i will, you want something to work on... uhm, this took me a while but my only complain is maybe adding some cover or hills where there isnt a...
yah, and it was cas i gave him a list of stuff to improve on, and his reason was -stupid post *****.
well if it wasnt smaller then zanziber, that would be amazing, since your on foundry =) Bro this map looks awesome, sweet interlocking, and...
i was gonna enter the first one, but was too lazy to finish my map, so i think i will, and enter, and lose =)
bro there not up, i clicked that too, just read muy post.
they're still not up bro, this is how i would do it, since no one helped you just said you were wrong. Go to and click on each...
this has been done before, and done better, obviously. i thinhk interlokcing would make for ebtter aesthenics, the map looks real open, so you...
i think its too open, you could deff add more to it, like a little hill for a base or something. aesthenics can be improved too though, the maps...
yah, this looks pretty good, runs pretty smoothe, i see one pic, before the first action pic i think, where there is cracks between the walls, so...
i think you could make it longer, and maybe some better rooms with more chaLLENGES, SO HOW MUICH HEALTH DO THEY HAVE, IS IT LIKE fat kid. my bad...
a pretty good lookin map, looks like an awesome remake, intelrokcing will make this awesome-er. good job witht his one. 4/5
looks well made, small though. interlocking and everything is sick, assuming theres a roof, or else you can get out easy. deff a 1v1 or 2v2, your...
the map looks sweet bro,m love the layout. interlocking looks solid, but some could be better, yah it loks rushed, but none-the-less still...
unfortunately the maps not original, theres been others. a better discription could help though. i do think it looks fun, and pretty well made....
map looks prerttty well made, im not sure hopw big it is, and if i was a zombie (how many are there) and the people got to the armory fast, i...
i watched the vid, not bumpy, mapo looks well made, fun racetrack, and the vid is very high quality.
i dont think its up to standards actually, not spamming--- but ttheres no discription, isnt that one of the requirements? map looks well made, but...
maplooks pretty good, the wall corners are a little crooked, along with the door and the upper part of the map. the map looks good though, also,...