haha bro i love it, more pics would stop the questions but aesthenics are amazing, 5/5 bro, my lil bro is pumped about this movie.
if you odnt know stickys are threads made by the makers of the hub, you can go to search at the top of the screen and search any questions you have.
good idea, ghost towns tough to forge on, and you do a great job, even geomerge it, sweet bro, 4/5, only cause it looks cramped.
this is an awesome idea, it looks weell made and really fun. deffinately a five out of five bro, great minigame.
map looks cool, i think you could add more, and interlock cas that isnt gonna run smoothe, but deffinately add more actually its too open besides...
looks well made, im not into this type of map though, some people may be and will def download it.
ha maybe ill just make my map with no interlocking then... and i did re-read them, im still not sure if thats interlocking, like in blaze's map...
tex i have two questions, 1-if I have a box, with four shield doors on top of it, then with another box on top of that, is that considered...
map lookss like a decent desigin, i think more cover is probably needed, and since you know how to interlock, and accept interlokcing, then maybe...
im not minusing anything for not interlocking, i personally think its harder like that, im making a map for the lazy mapmakers contest 2 right...
Finally some one actually listened to the posts, not just sending me bad feedback for constructive critisism, liek snake said you can still get...
ha i like it, looks challenging, though i know ther man cannon box will piss me of, just like the freakin man cannon room with the gauddam soccer...
thats exactly what it is, ive seen it done before, its not too original, and gameplay does lack. It also takes zero skill, ahaha sorry bro, ive...
finally, blaze desserves to have many other maps featured too, this being my personal fav. clearly a five out of five. And blaze said he would...
what about never getting front paged? =)
map looks awesome, with a sweet layout, and crazy interlocking. im a battle rifle fan, and i wish there was one, but i could care less with a map...
map looks real cool, interlokcing is insane, one spot i see a bump, thats it though ha sick layout, sick interlocking, sickness. 5/5
looks well made, with a sweet layout, or at least i think, awesome interlocking. not sure how it plays with so many power weapons, but seems good,...
i think this looks awesome, wide track, cool turns, nice interlocking, i would download, but im full, hopefully i can get back at this. mits a...
i think once you get to the armory your set, so whoever spawns the closest is prob gonna win. camping could be really easy, and more coevr could...