more interlocking will get you more downloads, map seeems like it would play fine
its eh in originality, but it could use interlocking and geomerging eh bra
nice job v2 owns v1 up the but everything looks better
you might wat to get ridda the coils, the game will get lagegd up, then ill get killed via lag, then get pissed off, swear, quit, andf give you...
looks okay, there is room for improvement though, interlocking and geomerging would be schweet
nice job, its differant, foundry is getting old anyway
this one looks nice, better then the rest, ball sender backer tequnique is sweet too
looks cool, is it playable or just aesthenic
i think you need a better discription and more pics, it looks like reg rat race
loooks pretty good, could use geomerging
wow. this is awesome, looks wicked cool
i think your discription could use work too
nice job this looks awesome everything looks smoothe 5/5
nice job this looks awesome, interlock the walls and you get a 5/5. Reminds me of a gears ma (WHICH IS DEF A COMPLIMENT)
i finaly Dl'd this and its sick, so hard