People just don't see the potential in forge and all of the possibilities it has. If it weren't for maps like these, people would have quit...
Driving a broken mongoose. Might only work offline now Go into forge and activate the armorlock glitch and spawn a mongoose or two Go way up...
Hmm interesting. Did you find these or are they new?
To make up for the scorpion, a rockethog or a couple gauss hogs will fit best.
Foundry, the music, And most of all... The innocent, funny, stupid, and non-aggressive Elites. The sounds they made when they were getting...
Stay calm When sniping, remember to remain calm and focused. If your gonna play snipers, it's best earlier in the day. Partly because you've just...
Compatable with all gamemodes (campaign not tested) Video: YouTube - Halo reach glitch: Spaz Requirements: 2 players or more, someone with...
Wow. Looks like a great invasion map and could even make it to a playlist if it's good enough. My advice would be to not give the Spartans too...
A good remake you could always do is an octagon or a griftball map. Plus I made an octagon map in my fileshare and turned out great. It's a good,...
First map on forge hub, or first map on reach..? Because if you have more made, id like to see them. Great job by the way. symetry is outstanding...
umm. feel free.
Looks like alot of traveling on bridges. That could get old. Even though you have a couple You might wanna add some extra long/big buildings as...
It's fine
Sorry but saying you map is well built is nothing to report over. It was a compliment and I know I didn't write a paragraph about how much I...
It is addicting to play on
Well some changes have been made to the map. But feel free to download now it's completely worth it. When the time's right, I'll update this...
Symetrical Map Fun and well made Team Slayer (red and blueteam) elite slayer not recomended. the oddball gametype was recently instaled. MAKE...
Well I shouldn't have said I got lazy. It is an mlg map as it is. The extra weapons are there because the map is compatable with regular team slayer
its bigger in the inside than it looks on the outside. good use of space
Awesome. It would be cool if you added a little more detail in the counters. But other than that, keep up the good work. Haha now this makes me...