the map looks awesome but i think the shotgun spawns too close to the sword. and you might wanna get rid of one or just reduce the shotgun's clip....
can i say something? this is possably one of the greatest maps i've seen so far. the detail is mind-blowing and the effort... how long did you...
i like the rooms deeper in the building, they get more intense and high tech the further you go down. Map Rating: 8/10
Haha, it's a remake remake. yeah i could tell what it was without even reading the name. nice job. this has to be my fav halo 3 map. exept foundry...
very unique. i especially like the building in the center. it seems very original and you did a great job as a first map on the website. welcome...
this map is awesome in so many ways. the creativness, the structure, the plot. All you need is a little "Free-For-All Headhunter" thrown in there...
At first, I was like..."Oh gawd, not another Zealot-Like map!" but as i saw more of it i was a bit surprised. there was more to it than i thought....
great use with conserving the pieces to finish the map. and awesome job with the structure. it keeps its familiar look with the original. map...
because it's useful for sniping across, up, and down tunnels and walkways in the map as you can see in the video. Glad you liked it, though.
Thx for the advice. i would if i could but i was running a little short on supplies. as i said though, its good for 2v2. 4v4 is where i sse what...
This is a unique map that I made recentley. BIG thanks to DmR dEcImAtOr for helping me finish the map, and Team Kill me in an effort to keep me in...
personally i dont have any problem with the map, and you deserve it being in MLG. im just surprized how it doesnt lagg. there are a bunch of...
nice map. i'm guessing its from "Saving private Ryan" am i wrong? map rating: 8/10
sweet looking map. the video amplified the aggression to download the map. so i did. yeah i was worried about lag areas and also when scoping. but...
Reminds me of the MALL for some reason... exept for the fact it has guns, rockets, and mad customers that think they have to kill everyone. map...
looks like a cool map and gives it that campaign-like mission feel to it. the only problem is the mass slaughtering of elites. if it were in...
Awesome looking map. love the idea of it and the bridge and satalite looks awesome. The only things im worried about is the fact that its a...
might wanna fix the name. you spelled it wrong. its crossfire not crosfire. Sweet looking map though
sweet forging! this is one of the best ive seen lately. good use with objects to make those decorative shapes/platforms. an the slanted walls give...
epic map! I like the idea of it. it has a little bit of pinnicle with it but seems to hold its own when it comes to being originial. Great...