Thanks for that comment lol. made me feel better. Um bottom of page. I'll bolden it for you, it is kinda hard to see.
I did try my damnedest lol. Na but I know what you mean. After halo burned my with his review, this map be that last map I make. I'm gonna put...
I'm ordering my new cpu on monday, it'll be here by thursday.. so by then We'll be good to go to make the clan. My old username is Dido_Gal -...
that's always good to know lol. I fixed the back like some of u guys sugeested to do. But if I omit the fuel rod gun, do i just leave it blank in...
dang nice interlocking and geomerging. I especially like how u got the 2 d Boxes into that top wall geometrically :). 4/5
Screenshot: [IMG] Bungie
looks interesting enough I'll dl. But put a few more pics up. Can't really get a feel for the whole map. plus.. link the map to where it says...
looks hella awesome. I'm dling. EDIT: Dl'ed and it reminds me of halo 1's wizard.
I thought about using double walls in place of the bridges behind the base but.. I dunno. I'll try usin those and see how it works out. as for the...
saying ****** in chatbox lol I love you... ~Projectt2501
who's making it?
Me and my friend Scorpulus have been trying this and.. It's not so much the sniping while in air part.. it's the getting the sniper and brute and...
some one one starred meh :'(. If you don't like it just say so. Don't make my map look like poo :'(.
haha thanks for the comments. Took me a while with all the interlocking.
nice map 5/5!
Teleporter is so you can get back up in map.
Description: This modern, two-sided war zone is all around great for games. It's a well sized, symmetrical map with a hill in the center....
halo 2 and big cities.
funniest one I've ever seen is Back 2 da hotel
sounds like a good idea. I'll join when I go buy my new comp tommorow.