Let's see: 1. Posting the frigate map - warned 2. Saying ****** in old shoutbox - infraction 3. showing a kid how to pirate songs off bearshare....
well, it is a map. And it is designed for pretty pictures, nature, scenery.. aesthetics maps section seems like the place considering a mod moved...
Yea, I just realized that one version I just posted was the completely wrong one. The real version is in the same download link so enjoy :).
Thanks^ lol, well no I used um all teh items i placed in the room for you: flare, powerdrain, regenerator. basic stuff. Hells angel we, of course,...
My Apologies: The one I just posted was the completely wrong one lol. That was an 'In the making one'. I had to save a new map so here's the...
[IMG] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: This picture was taken on me and Scorpulus'...
on a gator. lol it was a fun day. MySpaceTV Videos: blair and seth being stupid by KAYLA n JACOB I'm the driver, my friend is the passenger and...
YouTube - "Throwing Fire" - (kinda crazy - in the very early stages) He just released it about 2 days ago. It's a bit funky in the beggining but...
yea This map is probably most favored aesthetically. I love your interlocking and it's cleanness. My friend showed me this map and I was like...
meant to join your party but I was with my friend makin a black room :\ maybe next time? :)
utorrent it. thay have everything there lol.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilSJVF0NPLk&feature=user probably one of the funniest halo videos I've ever seen.
my brother, cliff, who died on drifton road here in florida had a nickname.. Scopulus. Scopulus means cliff in latin. I just decided to carry...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKF6jtpx9QM such a nice video, and well put together at that! For his first video, he sure made a hell of and...
still got that map we were workin on?
oh ok I've actually been wondering how people do that but thanks. lol. but like my bro and a few of my friends don't like him for some reason. I'm...
hah my English teacher has t already because his son works for eb games or somethin like that. pretty sick game.
lol ' you want me to delete it?' 'yea' 'ok'
^ I'm making wall that seperates the two teams, and the wall consists of honeycomb holes in which you have to duck into and crawl to get to other...
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showpost.php?p=186284&postcount=5 zomg zom he said ***... and to reynbow kill him pls.