lintendo, haz mah babiez pls.
User Name(s): Scopulus Map Name: Redemption Did you read and follow instructions: Yea. Funny story actually. I made this map with my brother long...
God FTW - nice vid. Never actually did think of other milky-ways out there. But damn that's a good documentary. So detailed.
haha awesome. I gotta get my CC workin :s. NICE job you left that kid speechless lol.
i like the little 'man cannons'. they remind me of narrows.
oh for a sec i was like.. what wall... but now i see. Yea It was covered up when it was an actual fighting map. But I can see how you would have...
on avalanche, It's simple. I made a step by step walkway too. * Go through the tele-porter that's in front of you when you spawn. * Once...
weren't you the same guy that said they wouldn't dl my tainted creek map? :'( anyways yea. I do realize that theres one minor flaw and it's the...
you should put like grav lifts pointing to the other side of vip point so people don't just back up and score over and over again. just a thought.
you're cooler than the other side of the pillow.
Tag, you have aids - pass them on.
Yep. blue - 10 secs yellow - 20 secs red - 30 secs and thanks :)
Introduction: This is my first racetrack on foundry so don't hate lol. Um yes, it is part of what was once my map protraction, but seeing as it...
Have two people (or more) in the game when making screenshots. One sits in the black roo marea and the others shoot at him. Make sure they shoot...
Here are a few new shots from my new map Black Room. Gates of Hell [IMG] A..a *****? [IMG] Techno Club [IMG] Darth Vader [IMG] enjoy
here's some more pics we took. It was hard findin pics because there was like 8 people in the game and all 8 of em were trowing crap lol but...
:'( I'm not a wanna be. Did it fer funzies :'(( *cries*
yea. But have another person shoot rockets/splazer/ or fuel rod gun at you so you can have awesome effects. Without the person shooting it looks...
it is mini games. People don't usua;y post puzzles there. Normally they make their own games up. but w/e. I added you back on XBL. This time,...
go to User CP where u see that thin gray lin up at the top. Look to the left and use 'edit avatar/signature'