[Media] Basically it's a teen who called XBL operators to see how he could get his X box back. His mom took his X box away from the kid, dunno...
the blue br pic reminded me of halo 2's burial grounds - 'the ribs' great looking map. I'll def check it out.
yea, you're right lol. But. I got there first :o! lol j/k. But I'm still trying to get reciever nodes out in the flood room and every other room.
Prologue: This is the newest genre of my other screen shot rooms. It's not like the Black Room, or blue room, but rather the 'light room'. It's...
CTF = epic. the map itself is pretty much awesome too. Wonder how territories would work out lolol.
wow. This is the first ship map I've been interested in. It looks like an actual playable map. great job! you've got my download.
Well as you all know, Bungie has map a new map - Cold Storage. It's based on a medical forerunner facility and is a remake of Halo 1's map Chill...
lol i liked that. I could clarify each sound too. that means im a nerd :\ [/fail]. lol i liked the ending. g-game over
Hey there. This is not like the previous thread where I talked about the game itself, but rather a thread showing how good these guys get to...
It's like there was an acid trip and I wasn't invited. I don't like any of those 'celebrities' :\
i saw this a few months back. sooo funny lol. I like where he says he forgot to feed the dog and now he's dead lol.
How Cliche. My brother was JUST watching the video Zeitgeist. To be honest with you, after hearing what that guy said from the movie and what I...
^ holy crap. That lobby guy talks as if he's seen it happen before. Jesus LOL.
I would help you with that certain word.. but I'm still infracted for saying it like 2 weeks ago :\
LOL that looks half fake and half real. A box of magnum condoms lol wow. and then he hands the guy a gun.. wow.. i hope this is fake.
well, it was the super jump 'hype' period lol. If I can call it that. Lotsa people were fascinated by finding new bounces and new ways to actually...
freedom stick (pogo stick) :) or freedom blades (4 wheeled skates)
LOL at 00:15 I lost it. "..oh." I don't even know why lol. I love both of em gj :) lol. keep spreading your FREEDOM lol
This.. is absoulutley beautiful. You have my download!! H..how long did this take you?
my post was deleted. awesome. anyways, I've played this with 4 people. It's pretty awesome fun.