I watched about 1 minute of it, but the music made it so boring... But very nice Tex, very nice =P
I thought I'd chuck something into the comp this week, seeing how this is a pretty simple theme =] I couldn't be bothered spending hours trying to...
It just looks like a cropped wallpaper with a couple brushes on it? With a shadow...? Well done...? I dunno...
Retards don't know something good when they see it... Don't worry about these guys... 90% of the maps from them look horrible so you can't expect...
Previously stated Fail Previously stated
Yeah, people like checking me out =P
They're permanent... WTF? How can a date only come around once?
Mr Advanced, stop breaking rules! And hurting maii feelingz Don't double post in mai thread, you'll make it look bad =P
Lol, I don't care? [I also said, not all. But generally straight guys don't have a good sense of taste] BTW, just because it's a public vote...
Morons... Straight guys with no taste? [Does not include all straight guys]
I want to see a good sig win this thing for a change...
Does it matter what game it's from?
Phast Food The other one looks crap... Like a 3 year old smudged a stamp...
Uhh disc... That makes no sense that they would only appear in the MM versions... o_O
Yeah it appears on the Forerunner Wall near the Mongoose spawn and on a rock close to Red Base.
Only on the dates specified do they appear. When the it's not one of those dates, you don't see anything there =]
Old news =] Woot =D
Sure it's old news but seeing how Bungie day is coming up and not many people know about the egg/s on Valhalla when it comes to specific dates, I...
Lol I know right, this thread never ceases to surprise me. I always get a good laugh out of this =D
qft stupid limits