Here's a picture of my left monitor, that thing at the top is, I guess, technically my Task Bar =] Oh and there's no Start Menu, Start Menu's are...
Convulse, your sig is sexy <3
Thankyou VERY much Sarge <3
I honestly do agree. I think it's pretty damn high and mighty of any government to be able to enforce something like this upon you. Sure it might...
It's very complicated...
Lol yes...
Lol, that looks really nice Opo, where did you get that one? Oh and Nemi, what does painting fire on the screen achieve =P
Hop on Skype
You realise you have a giant white background around it don't you...? Cut off the white background before you get in trouble. [Some of the staff...
Nice... Tiny... WTF? You need upload the image to an image hosting site, like Photobucket or ImageShack® for example. Then get the direct url and... [img]
I think you need to go back to the original post in this thread, like I told you to in the first place. Then read the blue sentence at the top of...
Okay, I think you have officially lost the plot =]
I'm pretty sure I warned you... But you know... I did tell you to read the front page before requesting a sig =] In the words of Johnny Storm;...
I didn't even bother commenting this one, seeing how stupid the remarks were. I did comment this one explaining I know I am know one important,...
Lol I'm not trying to change you're opinion xD Because I want to? Why should I stop defending it? Sure he probably doesn't even want me to. I'm...
Her head is leaning back... Arcade action fighter style, and is covered by her arms... It's not "missing" I call it how I see it? And anyway, who...
Why is it so hard to make out...? What is wrong with your eyes? [img]It's a chick with a giant hammer, her arms are stretching past her head and...
First page, 6th post...